Mental health awareness
is preventative care
We work with community-based partners, allied nonprofits, high schools, colleges, and universities to build a culture of awareness of the importance of mental health and well-being.
Education and Outreach
In addition to services like no-cost mental health assessments, depression screening, and group counseling, our work involves building mental health literacy and challenging stigma, shame, or other barriers to seeking help. A relatively small percentage of the youth we reach enter group counseling sessions, but all benefit from the educational and outreach activities we offer. Many others are referred to agencies or organizations to address mental health needs associated with depression and anxiety but requiring specialized intervention.
Our outreach can take many forms, depending on the unique needs and requests of our program partners. Activities may include panel discussions on adolescent or youth mental health, special school assemblies, formal and informal presentations, webinars for student groups, staff or faculty trainings, dissemination of materials, and information tables on campus. Formal presentations center on addressing the stigma surrounding mental health and learning to identify signs and symptoms of depression or anxiety. |
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Peer Advocacy, Support, and Education
The PASE program recruits student leaders from high schools and colleges to deliver mental health education, outreach, and advocacy to their peers, adults, and communities. Student leaders will coordinate activities with leaders from other schools, communities, and anywhere in the world StrongMinds has existing programs, like Zambia and Uganda.
TrainingPASE leaders receive consistent & highly specialized training in speech, presentation, crisis management & IPT delivery.
Education & AdvocacyPASE leaders plan webinars, panel discussions, social media campaigns & other awareness-building activities in their schools & communities.
LeadershipPASE leaders are invited to join a peer leadership council - for high schoolers schoolers or college-aged young adults - to plan & inform program & advocacy activities.